Are Energy Vampires Draining Your Household Budget?

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Energy vampires are electronic devices that continue to draw power, even when turned off. These diabolical devices are always lurking, draining your energy budget, even in the dead of night. Sounds pretty scary, but there are things you can do stop the power drain.

  • Unplug charging devices when they're not charging anything.
  • Plug groups of devices, such as entertainment centers, into a single power strip for easy unplugging.
  • Pull the plug on rarely used devices, such as the television in the guest room.
  • Use advanced power strips, which automatically shut off power to unused devices.
  • Install smart outlets or smart plugs, which can also cut power to unused devices.
  • Purchase ENERGY STARĀ®-certified appliances and electronics. They use less energy than standard models and typically draw less standby power.

With these moves, you can drive a stake in the heart of your energy vampires, and stop energy waste from driving up your energy bills.

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